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CO2 Sensor Module H-550

Author:admin | Add Time: 23-03-10

CO2 Sensor ModuleH-550

The H-550 CO2 sensor module is the world’s smallest and lightest NDIR CO2 sensor module and can be widely installed into the home network, ventilation, controllers, wall-pads, robots, cars and many other devices to control air quality.
The world's smallest and lightest module
Interface with other devices
Helps you to easily install
The H-550 CO2 sensor module is the world's smallest and lightest NDIR CO2 sensor module and can be widely installed into the home network, ventilation, controllers, wall-pads, robots, cars and many other devices to control air quality.
Directly connected though Pin to Pin, the H-550 is easy to install, and the interface (UART, I2c) with other devices is easy to use. With its easy connection/disconnection, the H-550 module helps you to easily install or uninstall the CO2 sensor according to your needs
General Performance:Operating temperature range
0 ~ 50℃,Operating humidity range 0 ~ 95%RH
CO² Measurement Sensing method:NDIR
Measurement range: 0~2,000ppm / 0~5,000ppm / 0~10,000ppm(Selection at the time of order)
Accuracy: ±30ppm ±5 %
Sampling time: 3sec
Response time(90%): 30sec
Dimensions: 32W x 12H x 38D (mm)
Electrical: Power input DC 9V~18V, 80mA average
Current consumption: 50mA average, peak 160mA
Pin connector: ①+5VDC (OUTPUT, 50mA max.) ②UART_RXDU ③ART_TXD
Signal Output: Digital Asynchronous serial TTL level 38,400,N,8,1
Function of post re-correction:Re-correction mode of the sample of 400ppm, Precision re-correction mode of 0ppm